10 loại thảo dược  trị gàu, trị nấm tại nhà

10 herbs to treat dandruff, treat fungus at home

1. Bodhi: is an herbal anti-dandruff that women and mothers have used for more than 100 years. The locust contains a large amount of saponins with cleansing, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial effects. The locust fruit also contains fat that helps soften the scalp, protein that helps the scalp to be healthy, the hair follicles will be strong, reduces shedding and hair grows faster.
2. Soapnut: is a very good antibacterial and anti-dandruff herbal remedy because the saponin in Soapnuts is higher than that of the locusts, so it has strong cleansing properties but will dry out the hair and lose its shine.
3. Salt: antibacterial but using too much will dry the scalp and lose the shine of the hair
4. Lemon: is an herbal anti-dandruff with the mechanism of inhibiting and killing bacteria because the essential oil in lemon is a hot essential oil.
5. Guava leaves
6. Lemongrass leaves: is an anti-dandruff herb with a bacteria-killing mechanism because the essential oil in lemongrass is a hot essential oil, which has a bactericidal effect.
7. Neem leaves: components in neem leaves help kill bacteria
8. Cinnamon: is an herbal treatment for dandruff, fungus with a mechanism of killing bacteria because the essential oil in cinnamon is a very hot essential oil, has a bactericidal effect.
9. Ginger: is an herbal treatment for dandruff, fungus with the mechanism of killing bacteria because the essential oil in ginger is a very hot essential oil.
10. Essential oils: tea tree, cinnamon, ginger, lemongrass, orange, lemon, grapefruit, mint......
However, you need to find out the cause of itchy dandruff is due to: wet, sticky head causing fungus? Or irritated, sensitive skin? Or using inappropriate hair care products?
With more than 30 months of research and testing of anti-dandruff herbs, #shunature has brought #caogoithaomoc with more than 10 herbs to treat dandruff and fungus to many brothers and sisters suffering from fungus, dandruff, persistent itching all over the world. country.
Reduces itching after 1 wash, stops dandruff after 1 - 4 washes and grows hair after 1-3 months.
SHU is committed to refunding if it doesn't work, inbox Shu for more advice!
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